Friday, March 6, 2009

She's walking!

Our little girl, who is 14 months today, started walking on Tuesday. Finally! She has been a little stubborn about this. At Cole's soccer practice she took two steps. On Wednesday when I picked her up from "school", they said, "Oh guess what, she stood up...". I interrupted them and said, "I know. She took two steps last night!" They started laughing and handed me a certificate that said she had walked five steps. They told me that sometimes they don't like to say anything until the parents know. I thought that was considerate. Then last night, Thursday, she was walking across the whole kitchen! She was so funny to watch. I love the way they toddle with their arms sticking straight out! Cole thought this whole thing was amazing and screamed, "She's walking!!!" I think I might be in for it now!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! Watch out now Mom! Catch me if you can!!!

    Can't wait to see her walk in person.
